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How to view and use this site

Site settings

This site has been built to view on a screen resolution of 1024 x 768. Viewing on a lower resolution will distort the proportions of the images and may hide parts of the page. Version 4+ browsers will be able to view this site as it was intended.

If you got here on your own you really do not need any help.

- You have got here by Clicking - on the top right hand side of each page - which has brought you to this page.
The rest of the program behaves in the same reactive way - just point and Click.

- Point your Mouse or cursor on to any blue line or blue text - for example - at the title of a painting, say Rocky Forest Pool 1857 and an image of that painting will appear and stay on for as long as you keep you Mouse still. The small image of Rocky Forest Pool 1857 in the top right hand corner is active and will enlarge itself when touched on.

- Similarly if you point your Mouse at a red footnote it will appear automatically and stay on for as long as you wish, provided you keep your little rodent still.

- The Index - to your left in the black border - is also active, so if you want to --- Point and Click
- Go directly to any page: point to it and it will be underlined in yellow .
Click on the underlined title or Sun.
- Turning the Page:
Can be done in 3 Ways:

1.) As above: Re-read the paragraph above.

2.) To go forwards: At the bottom of each page Click on the button or

3.) To go backwards: Click on the button

- Explore the Painting: Click on Next slide to go to the next 'region' of the painting for an explanation of meaning.
- Click
on Last slide to go back.

For Further information: click here.

To contact the A.A.T. Curator: click here.
The Curator:

To leave the Site: Click the Click here to close window button at the top-right of the page, or press alt+F4.